A Christian Church in the 11th District of Budapest
Good news
Ever since the first disciples of Jesus, this is what Christians mean when they say “the gospel”. The Greek word literally means, good news.
Throughout history people everywhere experience that there is something wrong with this world. We cannot live in peace with each other, or even with ourselves. If we consider it more carefully, we realize that the problem is not around us, but within us. We are the source of the world’s problem.
And while the world around continues to change, the ‘Good News’ of Jesus remain unchanged, and has the same power today to reveal God’s grace and truth as it did when his first spoke of it…

Golgota 11
Horváth Kávai Árpád
Sunday: 16:30
1119 Budapest, Etele út 55.
(At Bikás park, above the Montázs Art Café)